Friday, July 1
2pm - All competitors and non-competitors may pick up their swag bags.
2pm - 7pm - The general public is also welcome to come to Center in the Heights for an Expo!
5pm - The General Public is welcome to come to a discovery class for LudoSport. Come and wield a light saber!
Saturday, July 2
9am - Competitor Registration and Saber Check
10am - Opening Ceremonies
11am - Tournament pools will begin. General public will be welcome to watch for free!
Come and visit Ella’s Acres food truck at the Center for some amazing lunch and LudoSport!
1pm - Lunch Break for athletes and officials.
2pm - Tournament pools will continue.
4pm - Games for LudoSport athletes begin!
5pm - Workshop for LudoSport Athletes - Combat Concepts: Fighting against higher Forms
6pm - Tai Chi Workshop
6:30 - Basic Saber Care Workshop
Sunday, July 3
8:30am - Competitor Saber Check
9am - Youth Tournament
10am - Adult eliminations
Come and visit JB Bulldog’s Cafe at the Center for some amazing lunch and LudoSport!
1pm - Lunch Break for athletes and officials
2pm - Award ceremony - General public will be welcome to watch.
4pm - Games for LudoSport athletes!
6pm - Athlete Banquet
Monday, July 4
9am - Workshop on Team competition with practice combat
11am - Duel Wielding workshop
*all event times are subject to change. Please check back frequently as the schedule will become more detailed.
**workshops will be throughout. The detailed times will be updated frequently.
Pool Listings:
Pool A:
Devin Vlassis - St. Louis
Patrick Dunn - Finger Lakes
Eli VanZandt - Tidewater
Darien Caine - San Francisco
Gavin Thrasher - Kalamazoo
Xada Swain - Tidewater
Pool B:
Aaron Boyle - St. Louis
Natalie Witt - Finger Lakes
Conner O’Brien - Finger Lakes
Jeffrey Wise - Kalamazoo
Joey Peisher - Tidewater
Jeremy Keller - Finger Lakes
Pool C:
Ryan Witt - Finger Lakes
Landy Hayes - St. Louis
Zach Wilson - Finger Lakes
Justin Dawson - Tidewater
Sarah Flenders - Finger Lakes
David Kirksey - Kalamazoo
Jacob Turner - Finger Lakes
Pool D:
Adam Buck - St. Louis
Robert Zollinger - Finger Lakes
Bobby Taylor - Finger Lakes
Stephen Gardner - Kalamazoo
Dugan Goodman - Tidewater
John Schares - Tidewater
Jamey Peisher - Tidewater